Version 5 supported

Working with generic types

Creating a generic type
Creating a type that doesn't map to a DataObject
Adding arguments
Add arguments to your fields, queries, and mutations
Building a custom query
Add a custom query for any type of data
Adding pagination
Add the pagination plugin to a generic query
Adding descriptions
Add descriptions to just about anything in your schema to improve your developer experience
Enums, unions, and interfaces
Add some non-object types to your schema
The resolver discovery pattern
How you can opt out of mapping fields to resolvers by adhering to naming conventions

Enums, unions, and interfaces

In more complex schemas, you may want to define types that aren't simply a list of fields, or "object types." These include enums, unions and interfaces.

Enum types

Enum types are simply a list of string values that are possible for a given field. They are often used in arguments to queries, such as {sort: DESC}.

It's very easy to add enum types to your schema. Just use the enums section of the config.

# app/_graphql/schema.yml
      DESC: Descending order
      ASC: Ascending order


An interface is a specification of fields that must be included on a type that implements it. For example, an interface Person could include firstName: String, surname: String, and age: Int. The types Actor and Chef would implement the Person interface, and therefore querying for Person types can also give you Actor and Chef types in the result. Actors and chefs must also have the firstName, surname, and age fields for such a query to work.

To define an interface, use the interfaces section of the config.

# app/_graphql/schema.yml
      firstName: String!
      surname: String!
      age: Int!
    resolveType: [ 'App\GraphQL\Resolver\MyResolver', 'resolvePersonType' ]

Interfaces must define a resolve[Typename]Type resolver method to inform the interface which type it is applied to given a specific result. This method is non-discoverable and must be applied explicitly.

namespace App\GraphQL\Resolver;

use App\Model\Actor;
use App\Model\Chef;

class MyResolver
    public static function resolvePersonType($object): string
        if ($object instanceof Actor) {
            return 'Actor';
        if ($object instanceof Chef) {
            return 'Chef';

Union types

A union type is used when a field can resolve to multiple types. For example, a query for "Articles" could return a list containing both "Blog" and "NewsStory" types.

To add a union type, use the unions section of the configuration.

# app/_graphql/schema.yml
    types: [ 'Blog', 'NewsStory' ]
    typeResolver: [ 'App\GraphQL\Resolver\MyResolver', 'resolveArticleUnion' ]

Like interfaces, unions need to know how to resolve their types. These methods are also non-discoverable and must be applied explicitly.

namespace App\GraphQL\Resolver;

use App\Model\Article;

class MyResolver
    public static function resolveArticleUnion(Article $object): string
        if ($object->category === 'blogs') {
            return 'Blog';
        if ($object->category === 'news') {
            return 'NewsStory';

Further reading

Creating a generic type
Creating a type that doesn't map to a DataObject
Adding arguments
Add arguments to your fields, queries, and mutations
Building a custom query
Add a custom query for any type of data
Adding pagination
Add the pagination plugin to a generic query
Adding descriptions
Add descriptions to just about anything in your schema to improve your developer experience
Enums, unions, and interfaces
Add some non-object types to your schema
The resolver discovery pattern
How you can opt out of mapping fields to resolvers by adhering to naming conventions