Version 3 end of life
This version of Silverstripe CMS will not recieve any additional bug fixes or documentation updates. Go to documentation for the most recent stable version.


Translations are easy to use with a template, and give access to SilverStripe's translation facilities. Here is an example:

	<%t Foo.BAR 'Bar' %>

    <%t Member.WELCOME 'Welcome {name} to {site}' name=$Member.Name site="" %>

string may include named placeholders, in braces.

'Welcome {name} to {site}' is the default string used, if there is no translation for Member.WELCOME in the current locale. This contains named placeholders.

name=$Member.Name assigns a value to the named placeholder name. This value is substituted into the translation string wherever {name} appears in that string. In this case, it is assigning a value from a property Member.Name

site="" assigns a literal value to another named placeholder, site.


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