Version 3 end of life
This version of Silverstripe CMS will not recieve any additional bug fixes or documentation updates. Go to documentation for the most recent stable version.


It is sometimes desirable to add indexes to your data model, whether to optimize queries or add a uniqueness constraint to a field. This is done through the DataObject::$indexes map, which maps index names to descriptor arrays that represent each index. There're several supported notations:


	class MyObject extends DataObject {

		private static $indexes = array(
			'<column-name>' => true,
			'<index-name>' => array('type' => '<type>', 'value' => '"<column-name>"'),
			'<index-name>' => 'unique("<column-name>")'

The <index-name> can be an arbitrary identifier in order to allow for more than one index on a specific database column. The "advanced" notation supports more <type> notations. These vary between database drivers, but all of them support the following:

  • index: Standard index
  • unique: Index plus uniqueness constraint on the value
  • fulltext: Fulltext content index

In order to use more database specific or complex index notations, we also support raw SQL as a value in the $indexes definition. Keep in mind that using raw SQL is likely to make your code less portable between DBMSs.



	class MyTestObject extends DataObject {

		private static $db = array(
			'MyField' => 'Varchar',
			'MyOtherField' => 'Varchar',

		private static $indexes = array(
			'MyIndexName' => array(
				'type' => 'index', 
				'value' => '"MyField","MyOtherField"'


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