Version 3 end of life
This version of Silverstripe CMS will not recieve any additional bug fixes or documentation updates. Go to documentation for the most recent stable version.

Grouping lists of records

The SS_List class is designed to return a flat list of records. These lists can get quite long, and hard to present on a single list. Pagination is one way to solve this problem, by splitting up the list into multiple pages.

In this howto, we present an alternative to pagination: Grouping a list by various criteria, through the GroupedList class. This class is a SS_ListDecorator, which means it wraps around a list, adding new functionality.

It provides a groupBy() method, which takes a field name, and breaks up the managed list into a number of arrays, where each array contains only objects with the same value of that field. Similarly, the GroupedBy() method builds on this and returns the same data in a template-friendly format.

Grouping Sets By First Letter

This example deals with breaking up a SS_List into sub-headings by the first letter.

Let's say you have a set of Module objects, each representing a SilverStripe module, and you want to output a list of these in alphabetical order, with each letter as a heading; something like the following list:

*	B
		* Blog
		* CMS Workflow
		* Custom Translations
		* Database Plumber
		* ...

along with a method that returns the first letter of the title. This will be used both for grouping and for the title in the template.

	class Module extends DataObject {
		private static $db = array(
			'Title' => 'Text'
		 * Returns the first letter of the module title, used for grouping.
		 * @return string
		public function getTitleFirstLetter() {
			return $this->Title[0];

sorted by title. For this example this will be a method on the Page class.

	class Page extends SiteTree {
		// ...
		 * Returns all modules, sorted by their title.
		 * @return GroupedList
		public function getGroupedModules() {
			return GroupedList::create(Module::get()->sort('Title'));

a number of sets, grouped by the field that is passed as the parameter. In this case, the getTitleFirstLetter() method defined earlier is used to break them up.

	<%-- Modules list grouped by TitleFirstLetter --%>
	<% loop $GroupedModules.GroupedBy(TitleFirstLetter) %>
			<% loop $Children %>
			<% end_loop %>
	<% end_loop %>

Grouping a set by month is a very similar process. The only difference would be to sort the records by month name, and then create a method on the DataObject that returns the month name, and pass that to the GroupedList::GroupedBy() call.

We're reusing our example Module object, but grouping by its built-in Created property instead, which is automatically set when the record is first written to the database. This will have a method which returns the month it was posted in:

	class Module extends DataObject {
		// ...
		 * Returns the month name this news item was posted in.
		 * @return string
		public function getMonthCreated() {
			return date('F', strtotime($this->Created));

sorted by month name from January to December. This can be accomplshed by sorting by the Created field:

	class Page extends SiteTree {
		// ...
		 * Returns all news items, sorted by the month they were posted
		 * @return GroupedList
		public function getGroupedModulesByDate() {
			return GroupedList::create(Module::get()->sort('Created'));
	// Modules list grouped by the Month Posted
	<% loop $GroupedModulesByDate.GroupedBy(MonthCreated) %>
			<% loop $Children %>
				<li>$Title ($Created.Nice)</li>
			<% end_loop %>
	<% end_loop %>