Version 3 end of life
This version of Silverstripe CMS will not recieve any additional bug fixes or documentation updates. Go to documentation for the most recent stable version.

The Admin interface is bundled within the SilverStripe Framework but is most commonly used in conjunction with the CMS module. The main class for displaying the interface is a specialized Controller called LeftAndMain, named as it is designed around a left hand navigation and a main edit form.

Create admin UI's for managing your data records.
CMS Architecture
An overview of the code architecture of the CMS
Admin Layout
Add interactivity enhancements to the admin with Javascript
How content previews work in the CMS
Add custom CSS properties to the rich-text editor.
Javascript Development
Advanced documentation about writing and customizing javascript within SilverStripe.

How to's

CMS alternating button
Add an "active" and "neutral" state to the CMS buttons
CMS form field help text
Add help text to the form fields in the CMS
Customise the CMS Menu
Make custom changes to the left hand menu in the CMS
Customise the CMS pages list
Customise the CMS tree
Learn how to add custom UI elements to the CMS page navigation
Customise site reports
Creating your own custom data or content reports.
Extend the CMS interface
Customise the UI of the CMS backend
Extending an existing ModelAdmin
ModelAdmin interfaces that come with the core can be customised easily