Version 4 supported
This version of Silverstripe CMS is still supported though will not receive any additional features. Go to documentation for the most recent stable version.

Security & best practices

Ensure your GraphQL api is only accessible to provisioned users
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
Ensure that requests to your API come from a whitelist of origins
Strict HTTP method checking
Ensure requests are GET or POST
Recursive or complex queries
Protecting against potentially malicious queries
CSRF protection
Protect destructive actions from cross-site request forgery

You are viewing docs for silverstripe/graphql 4.x. If you are using 3.x, documentation can be found in the GitHub repository

Strict HTTP method checking

According to GraphQL best practices, mutations should be done over POST, while queries have the option to use either GET or POST. By default, this module enforces the POST request method for all mutations.

To disable that requirement, you can remove the HTTPMethodMiddleware from the QueryHandler.

  class: SilverStripe\GraphQL\QueryHandler\QueryHandler
      httpMethod: false

Further reading

Ensure your GraphQL api is only accessible to provisioned users
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
Ensure that requests to your API come from a whitelist of origins
Strict HTTP method checking
Ensure requests are GET or POST
Recursive or complex queries
Protecting against potentially malicious queries
CSRF protection
Protect destructive actions from cross-site request forgery