Version 3 end of life
This version of Silverstripe CMS will not recieve any additional bug fixes or documentation updates. Go to documentation for the most recent stable version.

How to Create Lightweight Form

Out of the box, SilverStripe provides a robust and reusable set of HTML markup for FormFields, however this can sometimes produce markup which is unnecessarily bloated.

For example, a basic search form. We want to use the Form API to handle the form but we may want to provide a totally custom template to meet our needs. To do this, we'll provide the class with a unique template through setTemplate.



	public function SearchForm() {
		$fields = new FieldList(

		$actions = new FieldList(
			FormAction::create('doSearch', 'Search')

		$form = new Form($this, 'SearchForm', $fields, $actions);

		return $form;
	<form $FormAttributes>
		<div class="Actions">
			<% loop $Actions %>$Field<% end_loop %>

properties on Form such as $Fields and $Actions.

[notice] To understand more about Scope or the syntax for custom templates, read the Templates guide. [/notice]