Version 5 supported

Rendering links in templates

The easiest way to render a Link record from a has_one relation in a template is to use the relation name like so:


For links in a has_many relation, you can loop through the relation list and use the special $Me variable.

See forTemplate() and $Me for details about how that works.

<% if $HasManyLinks %>
        <% loop $HasManyLinks %>
        <% end_loop %>
<% end_if %>

If you want finer control of how a specific link is rendered, you can reference specific fields on the link like with any other relation:

<% with $HasOneLink %>
    <% if $exists %>
        <a href="$URL" <% if $OpenInNew %>target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"<% end_if %>>$Title</a>
    <% end_if %>
<% end_with %>
    <% loop $HasManyLinks %>
            <a href="$URL" <% if $OpenInNew %>target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"<% end_if %>>$Title</a>
    <% end_loop %>

Custom templates

By default, links render using the SilverStripe\LinkField\Models\ template.

You can override that template to affect all links. You can also create a new template for any given Link subclass which will only be used by that subclass.

With the example file structure below, the EmailLink model will use the custom template, and all other link types will use the custom template.

├─ ...
└─ templates/
   ├─ Includes/
   ├─ Layouts/
   ├─ ...
   └─ SilverStripe/LinkField/Models/