Version 4 supported
This version of Silverstripe CMS is still supported though will not receive any additional features. Go to documentation for the most recent stable version.

Extending the schema

Adding a custom operation
Add a new operation for model types
Adding a custom model
Add a new class-backed type beyond DataObject
Adding middleware
Add middleware to to extend query execution
The global schema
How to push modifications to every schema in the project

You are viewing docs for silverstripe/graphql 4.x. If you are using 3.x, documentation can be found in the GitHub repository

Adding a custom operation

By default, we get basic operations for our models, like read, create, update, and delete, but we can add to this list by creating an implementation of OperationProvider and registering it.

Let's build a new operation that duplicates DataObjects.

namespace App\GraphQL;

use SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Field\ModelMutation;
use SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Interfaces\ModelOperation;
use SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Interfaces\OperationCreator;
use SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Interfaces\SchemaModelInterface;
use SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\SchemaConfig;

class DuplicateCreator implements OperationCreator
    public function createOperation(
        SchemaModelInterface $model,
        string $typeName,
        array $config = []
    ): ?ModelOperation {
        $mutationName = 'duplicate' . ucfirst(SchemaConfig::pluralise($typeName));

        return ModelMutation::create($model, $mutationName)
            ->addArg('id', 'ID!')
            ->setDefaultResolver([static::class, 'resolve'])
                'dataClass' => $model->getSourceClass(),

We add resolver context to the mutation because we need to know what class to duplicate, but we need to make sure we still have a static function.

The signature for resolvers with context is:

namespace App\GraphQL\Resolvers;

use Closure;

class MyResolver
    public static function resolve(array $context): Closure
        // ...

We use the context to pass to a function that we'll create dynamically. Let's add that now.

namespace App\GraphQL;

use Closure;
// ...
use SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject;

class DuplicateCreator implements OperationCreator
    // ...

    public static function resolve(array $context = []): Closure
        $dataClass = $context['dataClass'] ?? null;
        return function ($obj, array $args) use ($dataClass) {
            if (!$dataClass) {
                return null;
            return DataObject::get_by_id($dataClass, $args['id'])

Now, just add the operation to the DataObjectModel configuration to make it available to all DataObject types.

# app/_graphql/config.yml
        class: 'App\GraphQL\DuplicateCreator'

And use it:

# app/_graphql/models.yml
  fields: '*'
    read: true
    duplicate: true

Further reading

Adding a custom operation
Add a new operation for model types
Adding a custom model
Add a new class-backed type beyond DataObject
Adding middleware
Add middleware to to extend query execution
The global schema
How to push modifications to every schema in the project