Version 3 end of life
This version of Silverstripe CMS will not recieve any additional bug fixes or documentation updates. Go to documentation for the most recent stable version.

How to Write a FunctionalTest

FunctionalTest test your applications Controller instances and anything else which requires a web request. The core of these tests are the same as SapphireTest unit tests but add several methods for creating SS_HTTPRequest and receiving SS_HTTPResponse objects. In this How To, we'll see how to write a test to query a page, check the response and modify the session within a test.



	class HomePageTest extends FunctionalTest {

		 * Test generation of the view
		public function testViewHomePage() {
			$page = $this->get('home/');

			// Home page should load..
			$this->assertEquals(200, $page->getStatusCode());

			// We should see a login form
			$login = $this->submitForm("LoginFormID", null, array(
				'Email' => '',
				'Password' => 'wrongpassword'

			// wrong details, should now see an error message
			$this->assertExactHTMLMatchBySelector("#LoginForm p.error", array(
				"That email address is invalid."

			// If we login as a user we should see a welcome message
			$me = Member::get()->first();

			$page = $this->get('home/');

			$this->assertExactHTMLMatchBySelector("#Welcome", array(
				'Welcome Back'

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