Version 3 end of life
This version of Silverstripe CMS will not recieve any additional bug fixes or documentation updates. Go to documentation for the most recent stable version.

House rules for everybody contributing to SilverStripe

See our high level overview on on how you can help out. Or, for more detailed guidance, read one of the following pages:

Bug Reports
Report bugs or problems with SilverStripe, feature requests or other issues.
Contributing Code
Fix bugs and add new features to help make SilverStripe better.
Request for comment
Our approach to decision-making around impactful changes to the product
Release process
Describes the process followed for "core" releases.
Making a SilverStripe core release
Development guide for core contributors to build and publish a new release
Writing guide for contributing to SilverStripe developer and CMS user help documentation.
Translate interface components like button labels into multiple languages.
Implement Internationalisation
Implement SilverStripe's internationalisation system in your own modules.
Core committers
The team of contributors that has merge access to our open source repositories
Code of conduct
How to be a high-performing, helpful member of our community